
Versaille Show

A pleasant escape from Paris in July is to go to Versaille to see Les Grand Eaux Nocturnes, baroque evening entertainment to evoke the splendor of Versailles during the reign of the Sun-King. As one walks through gardens one enjoys theater, concerts, ballet and admires playing fountains bathed in light, all set in groves adorned with marble, bronze and gold. The festivities are concluded with fireworks reflected in the Grand Canal.
It is possible to get an impression how the atmosphere of opulence was at the royal court of Versailles, nevertheless there is no single place where you can escape crowds of people which seem to be everywhere. So if you think of a romantic kiss somewhere by the playing fountain, there is no hope for that. In the end of the night, you feel exhausted and have to run fast to escape the crowds in order to catch a train back to Paris.

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